It so happens that you see e-mail address on the HTML page, but why is it EmEx not find it.
Does it follow that the mechanism of parsing in EmEx has a bug? In most cases the answer - NO.
Software for automatic collection of email addresses, there has long been the easiest way to find the e-mail in the document was simply a search for "@" symbol. Therefore, began to introduce a simple search of this protection - replace "@" symbol on the image or the words "(at)" or the "_at_". Then the HTML source text does not contain email addresses in an explicit form, but for the user, they will be seen or understood as that a mailing address.
With built-in HTML browser, you will be able to analyze a page and configure the dynamic replacement to bypass the security. For convenience, code review, we have provided syntax highlighting.
Experienced users to find the right lines can use the language of regular expressions (Perl)